Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the beginning

As an avid consumer of Reddit, it's become apparent that its contributors as a whole are at the least, left leaning. Sure there are plenty of exciting technological, cultural, scientific, and comedic posts. However, I have yet to see a post that supported the Bush administration or Christianity. This is not a complaint merely an observation.

I am a Christian, and reading a large quantity of the articles posted at Reddit has brought to light many strengths of my faith. But... it has also made me question my faith, in particular, how it looks to the non-believer.

One other important observation. Most the articles that I read there are voiced in a way that state as a matter of fact that God does not exist. The more that I am exposed to that type of thinking, the more acceptable it becomes to me. And the converse is true. The more I consume articles of faith, the more that I believe them to be true.

The more I travel certain neural pathways, the easier they are to travel again. It really shouldn't be an epiphany. It's simply garbage in garbage out.

This blog isn't about Reddit. It might be about those who believe, those who don't, and all those in between. I am not sure what it should be. I just want to explore some ideas. In the most dramatic terms, there is a war of perception that is taking place to capture the minds of the undecided and the under committed.

Both sides have the same evidence (the universe and its inherent laws), the same means, or media for evangelizing. And yet the interpretations and motives for them are so radically different.

I have participated in hours of discussion with non/believer alike. Many poignant points have been made, and tragically forgotten. Maybe this blog, which is so 2004, can help. I see how it might become consuming. Enjoy, and God Bless.

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