Thursday, December 28, 2006

he who hesitates waits

And now for some reason the other driver has forgotten all right-of-way laws and stares at me like a deer caught in daylight running lamps, questioning whose to continue through the intersection. I wave them through, they wave me through, and we both move and stop. It really doesn’t matter how romantic you are, it can lead to frustration. Someone has to make a decision and follow through. In most cases, I end up going - and getting on with life. The interlude is over. This leads me to the following conclusion:

He who hesitates, waits.

Honestly, I kind of enjoy the interaction. The paths of two individuals have crossed in a very obtrusive way. We must negotiate with a fairly limited, yet significant vocabulary. Had they known the law, or perhaps had I driven in a less aggressive manner the interaction would have never taken place.

This event is far more enjoyable when we are pedestrians walking down a corridor and we momentarily dance together, unrehearsed, unchoreographed. We generally smile and giggle, and hopefully blush. It’s an odd intimacy. Not quite ‘Lady and the Tramp’ slurping on the same spaghetti noodle intimacy, but you know what I mean.

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