Sunday, January 7, 2007

walking on ice the interlude

We new she wouldn't be going anywhere, but we were conquering together. Isn't that what all the great romances are about? Can there be anything more romantic than shoveling your mother-in-laws drive with your wife? I think n n n maybe.

We set off on foot, still wearing my kick'n snow boots, neighbors snow shovel in hand. We don't own one - the temptation to buy one is nearly unbearable. Buying a snow shovel now, all but quarantines Burque from the frozen kind of precipitation.

Some poor saps got to drive in the snow, but probably to work. The calf deep ruts left in the street led the way to our rendezvous. We passed another couple in the throws of passionate shoveling. They were obviously newbies to the couples shoveling scene. Round tipped shovels are just so... polyester, shoulder pads, and bell bottoms. Bad form, Rookies!

We walked. The expected jokes were made by those seeing us with shovel in hand.
"When your done with your yard..."
"Is that a shovel in your hand or are you just glad..."
The interaction, while sterile and predictable, were pleasant. Near neighbors for 6 years, yet never a word spoken, until now.

Do you remember that ride at 'The Magic Kingdom'? You know the one. You sit in the car without parents. There is a gas pedal (I think) and a break pedal(I think). There was definitely a steering wheel but it was all for show. The car disappointingly straddled a concrete guide. If you didn't think to hard you actually thought you were driving.... round and round... Impossible to pass. The ignorance of a six year old is blissful.

The only way to make any progress in the street was to be in the rut. If you weren't in the rut, you weren't moving. If you were in the rut you weren't getting out. Unless, you owned a 4 x 4. The 4 x 4 owners must be feeling really wise.

The creaking rumbling groaning spinning of approaching vehicles was experienced with a different awareness. We were walking in the ruts, the cars were stuck in the ruts. Car and pedestrian sharing the road.

We conquered her drive, and a patch in front of her postbox. I'm still waiting for a thank you letter from the postman. She even took our picture. Homeward, we passed a couple walking while decked in their Aspen finest. They asked if we were being entrepreneurial? I offered to shovel their drive for $425.00.

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